Nordic Pocket Saw Review – Hand Saw For Camping





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Nordic Pocket Saw – Camping Handsaw

Hand saw for campingCutting camp firewood can be a challenge if you have to use a hatchet all the time or you want to use something that is completely different and unique for your camping gear. This is when you should know that you do have several different options available for you to pick from and one of those you may want to consider will be the Nordic pocket saw. Now, what you may start to ask is how this saw is different than the other saws on the market, but also more about how you can start to use this saw and why you would want to be using this saw instead of the ones that you can find on the market as well. So, let us start to explore this pocket saw to see if this would suit your needs or not.

Features Of The Nordic Pocket Saw

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How Long Is The Chain On The Saw

The chain for this saw will help you get around logs that are going to be about 2 foot around as the chain is 26.5 inches long. So you will be able to do quite a bit of cutting with the saw and know you are able to get through a lot of the wood you are dealing with. At the same time, though, you will notice this is long enough to let you get leverage on regular to medium sized logs.

What Type Of Material Is The Handles Made From

The handles are as mentioned, like a dog leash handle and are nylon. So if you are concerned about how the handles will feel, then go to your local Walmart or pet store and grab a dog leash. This will give you a good feel for the handles and make it easier for you to know if the handles will feel comfortable for you over the long haul or not.

Does The Saw Have A Carrying Case

The saw does have a carrying case, which is a nylon pouch. Now, this does mean you have to fold the saw up to get it put into the pouch, but once you do it is very easy for you to get the saw into the case and have it clipped onto your belt and bring it with you when you are going to be using the saw or want to bring it with you on the trails.

Who Would The Nordic Pocket Saw Be Best For

I have to say this is a great pocket saw and it is one that will be great for a lot of people. However, what you need to realize is this is a pocket saw that will work great for people who are camping or hiking quite a bit and may need to clear the trail they are on. So this would be a great tool for the people who really like to be outdoors. At the same time, though, this tool will work great for people who are burning firewood and need to do some quick trimming on some wood they are getting ready to burn.

What Do I Like About This Pocket Saw

I love the fact this has a little nylon pocket that you can put the saw into and then take it with you attached to your belt. When you have it attached here, it will be easy for you to have a great tool that you can easily bring out in a moments notice. At the same time, it really is helpful to have with you when you are trail hiking and can be used to help clear off the trails.

The ease of use of this saw is something else I really enjoy. While it may take some time to get your hands used to the motion it really is very easy to learn and definitely will be something you can get used to doing. The handles will remind you of holding onto a dog leash, but the handles provide you with plenty of grip space for the handles so you do not lose control over the saw.

Something else that I do enjoy with this saw is the fact that it makes it easier for you to cut through quite a bit of wood. Now, this does not mean you can go out and tackle the big dead oak tree in the backyard, but it will allow you to go out and cut smaller trees, branches, and even cut them down to size quickly and easily without having to get out a chainsaw.

What Do I Not Like About This Saw

I have to admit, the one thing that I did not care for with this saw was the difficult task it would take to change out the chain. I know that not everyone will use this to the point they need to change the chain out, but when you do you should have this as being easy to change out the blade and that can be difficult to do when you are looking at this saw.

Our Final Thoughts On Nordic Pocket Saw

The Nordic Pocket Saw is definitely a saw that you are going to enjoy because it will help you in getting firewood cut for your camping and know you can finally get a clean cut, instead of a cut with the hatchet marks and horrible spread. Overall, this is a great hand saw for camping and one that you can bring with you almost anywhere as it can clip to your belt. Great saw and what I really like is with the belt clip you can bring the Nordic Pocket Saw with you and if you encounter a downed tree on a trail clear it to make the trail safe.

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