GSI Outdoors Ultralight Java Drip Coffee Maker Review





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GSI Outdoors Ultralight Java Drip Coffee Maker Review

Okay, I have to admit that I want to start my day off with a great cup of coffee, even if it means going out and finding specific camping gear for coffee making. Well, I will say that I have looked at the percolators and other items that are on the market, but I found that a lot of them are not really going to fill my needs that I want to have. I did find some of them like the Coleman brand products do have a tendency to provide you with the propane-powered products you want to have. What I did find is some of the products are very difficult to use or master to get the perfect cup of coffee. That is why I decided to look at some of the simple methods in this article and the one that I opted to review is the GSI Outdoors Ultralight Java Drip Coffee Maker. This will make it easier for you to learn about this product and know if it will be working for your camping gear or if you should consider a different way to make coffee, even if it means you have to deal with the learning curve.

Features Of The GSI Outdoors Ultralight Java Drip Coffee Maker

  • This is an extremely light product that is going to make it easier for you to get it shoved into your backpack and ready to go. However, you will find that it is going to be flexible as well so you need to be careful when you are using this product or you could cause it to flex too much and it could end up breaking on you when you are packing it away into the backpack or putting it into the tent to be stored away.
  • With this product, you will notice that a lot of the legs are going to clip onto almost any of the mugs you are going to use. This will make it easier for you to go and get it put onto almost any of the cups you are going to be putting this on. However, at the same time, this will help secure it to your coffee mug and know that it is going to drip your coffee into your cup without having to deal with all the grounds that you are going to have to deal with.
  • Since this is using the legs to clip onto the mug, it is going to hold the filter above the cup. This will make it easier for you to get the coffee you want to be made properly and know that it is going to provide you with the great drink you want, instead of having to worry about the coffee tasting like it was steeped like tea from the coffee grounds being hung down into the cup and keep on brewing like a tea bag steeping.
  • The weight of this product is something else you are going to enjoy when you are looking at this product. Since this is meant for hiking you will find that the weight of being under a half ounce is going to make it quite a bit easier for you to get the product stowed away in your backpack and know it will be easier for you to have a great time because it will not increase the weight in your backpack that much.

What I Like About The Java Drip Coffee Maker

Well, I have to say that one of the first things that I really like about this is the fact that it has legs that are going to clip onto your mug. With it clipping onto your mug it will make it easier for you to have the coffee brewing properly and as long as you do not add in too much water to the coffee drip maker you will not have to worry about it tipping over or even having to worry about the coffee running all over the place because your coffee tips over.

The legs that are clipping onto the mugs is going to make it quite a bit easier for you to get the right coffee dripping into your cup. This dripping is going to be what is going to give you the drip maker effect. However, since the legs are keeping the coffee up out of the mug, you do not have to be concerned about the coffee steeping, which I have to say does make it quite a bit stronger, but it can be a horrible cup of coffee when you are not paying attention and forget to take the coffee out of the cup.

When you are looking at the image above you will notice that it does have an orange cup in the picture. This cup is not included, but the mesh bag and the stand is included. So this is going to be a nice feature, but with the mesh bag if you do not want to have to clean it after each time you will be able to get the coffee filters in the size 2 or size 4 and know it is going to fit into the maker to help guarantee your coffee will be made properly.

What I Did Not Care For

Plastic is something that I hate to have for any type of camping gear. While this does make this product quite a bit lighter in weight it also can wear out over time. So you have to be careful of this because it will cause some problems if you are not careful. With that being the case, I definitely have to say that if you get one of these and do not want to risk any type of fatigue or it wearing out you may want to get a backup just in case.

My Final Thoughts On The GSI Outdoors Ultralight Java Drip Coffee Maker

Well, I have to say this is definitely a product that I like because it keeps the coffee grounds out of the coffee cup, but I also like how it attaches to your mugs and this provides a solid base to your pouring as long as the mug you are using is sturdy. So out of the java drip coffee makers we have talked about before, I have to say this is definitely a good one. Overall, I have to ay I would recommend getting the GSI Outdoors Ultralight Java Drip Coffee Maker for your camping gear to guarantee you are able to make coffee on the go.

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