Coleman Portable Propane Coffeemaker Review





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Coleman Portable Propane Coffeemaker – Is It Any Good? 

Are you tired of looking for a coffee maker to take as a piece of camping gear and only finding percolators? If that is the situation you are finding yourself in, then you will want to consider a propane coffeemaker. The problem is will this coffee maker do you any good or are you looking at the wrong one for your needs? Not only that what is the best one for you to buy and which one will work for you and which one is not going to work? Well, I have taken some time to talk about one propane coffeemaker we have found and that is the Coleman Instastart which I have to say is a nice coffee maker to use. However, sometimes you will not want to have the Instastart option or just want to use a different model. That is why we have decided to cover the Coleman Portable Propane Coffeemaker here as a review of the product.

Features Of The Coleman Portable Propane Coffeemaker

  • This is a coffee maker that is powered by the standard propane cylinders that you can buy at the local camp store. However, this will also mean you can buy them in the four pack you can find at the store and get them at a discount, which will help you save quite a bit of money. Then you just have to figure out where to store the propane cylinders at, but typically your smaller camp stoves will work off the same thing.
  • The coffee maker is going to have a great temperature to it because it is going to use the PerfectFlow Regulator. This is going to control the flow of the propane to the coffee maker and it will help guarantee that it is going to have the proper amount of heat to brew the water and coffee at the exact level you want it to have.
  • With this you will notice that it is going to have a brewing time of fifteen minutes. This is going to make it easier for you to get the coffee maker ready and started, then you can walk away and have it brew while you are getting your other chores done around the campsite.
  • The capacity of the carafe for this one, which is a stainless steel carafe, you will find is going to hold up to 10 cups of coffee. This will make it easier for you to have quite a bit of coffee and know that it is going to make it easier for you to have enough to fill up your entire cup instead of trying to find just a single cup. So this will definitely make it easier for you to have a great cup of coffee and know it will be an enjoyable cup.
  • This is a product that is going to make it easier for you to have a great product that is going to be easy to clean up. You may think that it is going to be difficult to clean these up, but you need to realize it is not that hard as all the items are dishwasher safe, which will not help with camping, but it will mean it will be very easy for you to get the right product that you want to have and know it can be washed in your camp sink easily.

What I Like With The Propane Coffeemaker

Well, I like the fact that this is going to run off of the propane tanks. With the reliable fuel source like the propane, it will make it easier for me to have a great product that is going to start to get the coffee made even when the weather is not cooperating and it is starting to rain or do something else. That is because the flame does not rely on the wood, which in my experience always gets wet during the rain even if I have it in the camper. So this is a great thing because I love the fact that it is going to have the reliability I like for the heat.

With this specific model, I like the fact that it comes in a stainless steel carafe. With the carafe, it will make it quite a bit easier for you to have a piece that is very reliable. So you will be able to get the right feel for the carafe and with my experiences, in the past, I have been able to get the temperature to hold for a longer period than what it usually does with a lot of the other products that I have used in the past.

The speed which this is going to brew the coffee may seem like it is going to be a long time, but if you compare the fifteen minute time frame of this brewing the coffee is going to be a great option because it means you can do something else. Not to mention when I brew coffee at home, it takes about 10 to 15 minutes anyway, so I cannot really complain about the time frame that it takes for the coffee to brew.

What I Did Not Care For

Well, I did not care for the fact that this is almost the exact same as the Coleman Instastart Portable Coffee maker. So this is definitely a disappointment to me because it means that the product is basically the same from what we have seen. The main exception that is being shown from what we have seen is the stainless steel carafe that is going to be something that is different.

My Final Thoughts

Well, I have to say this is almost the exact same as the Instastart that we have reviewed before. The big difference is the stainless steel carafe. So this is definitely something that I would want to consider because I have found this is definitely a better product that is able to keep the coffee warmer and know that it is going to work a lot better. Overall, I would have to say this is a decent product and one you can use quite a bit, but the only thing I really like with it outside of the other Instastart model we reviewed is the stainless steel carafe. If you want the Coleman Portable Propane Coffeemaker this will definitely be an option to consider.

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