Aektiv Outdoors Compact Waterproof Sleeping Bag





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Aektiv Outdoor Compact Waterproof Sleeping Bag 

Sleeping is something you have to do each day to stay refreshed, but when you camp it often means using a sleeping bag and at times you will want to have a waterproof sleeping bag. That is what we are going to be covering here is one of those sleeping bag that is going to be resistant to water, but also make it quite a bit easier for you to have a great product that you can use when you are camping because it will help keep you warm and protected at night. However, when you do a simple search you will notice they have hundreds of options on the market for you to literally pick from. That is why you will want to consider an affordable option like the Aektiv Outdoor Compact Waterproof sleeping bag which is what we are going to review today.

Features Of The Aektiv Outdoor Compact Waterproof Sleeping Bag

  • This is a sleeping bag that is going to come in rated for down to ten degrees above zero. Now, this may not really seem like it is going to be that good, but you have to realize unless you are camping in the later fall months, middle of winter, or even the early spring the chances of getting this temperature is going to be very slim.
  • The dimensions of this sleeping bag are going to be a little bit on the longer side and that is going to be a nice feature for a lot of people as the sleeping bag will come in measuring at over 80  inches long. The best part is this is a sleeping bag that will come in at 29 inches in the width. So this will make it quite a bit easier for you to sleep in the sleeping bag which is going to make it easier for you to sleep in the sleeping bag and be very comfortable in it without it having any of the major issues you would expect to have.
  • Waterproof is definitely another feature that you are going to like when you are looking at this sleeping bag. Unfortunately, you cannot predict the weather when you are camping and as much as it stinks it can rain and if your tent has any type of leak you could end up getting wet. So you will want to make sure you know about the fact this could help protect you as it is going to provide you with some waterproof protection that you may have never had before.
  • When you look at this sleeping bag you will also notice that you are going to have an almost mummy type of style as well. This will make it easier for you to have quite a bit of protection from the debris on the ground but also makes it easier for you to have the pillows and other items that you are going to need to have contained and not get it dirty.

What I Like About This Waterproof Sleeping Bag

I have to admit one of the first things that I like about this sleeping bag is the fact that it is lightweight. Now, this may seem a little odd to say, but the weight is not going to bother you that much when you are hiking. So this makes it a decent bag to go hiking with, but at the same time you will want to be careful because it is going to have some drawbacks as well and one of those is the fact that it does not have a ton of insulation and as we have mentioned before the temperature ratings are survival not comfort.

The fact this sleeping bag is waterproof is something else I really like with the bag. Now, you may be asking yourself how this is going to make a difference, but I have to say it will definitely make a difference if you are camping and it starts to rain. You will stay dry even if the rain is blowing into your tent. So you will be safe and sound anod your sleeping bag will be as well, but most important you are dry which means you will not start to get cold.

The next thing that I like is the fact this sleeping bag is going to have that type of a satin type of feel to it. This has a couple of purposes and I will explain them both here and the one is the fact this will make it quite a bit easier for you to clean up since you just have to wipe it off to get it cleaned up. The next is this material tends to be quite a bit cooler than what you would expect and this is a nice feature that you can really start to like if you are using the sleeping bag in the summer months.

What I Did Not Care For

Just like all the pieces of camping gear that I have talked about here I try to find some drawbacks. The first one that I found here is the fact the material on the outside always seems to be wrinkled. This does not really strike me as a major issue, but if you are trying to get the sleeping bag cleaned up after a week at scouts camp or something like that it will be very difficult for you to do because the sleeping bag is not going to have the ability to get the wrinkles out of it.

My Final Thoughts On The Aektiv Outdoors Compact Waterproof Sleeping Bag

This is a decent sleeping bag that the last time I checked the price is fairly affordable. This is going to make it quite a bit easier for you to have a good product you can use. However, what you need to realize is it will have wrinkles in it that seem to be impossible to remove. The waterproofing does make it nice at the same time. The temperature rating for survival is down to 10 above, which is decent as well. Overall, I would have to say this waterproof sleeping bag is one that will work for most people.

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