Camping Food Ideas No Cooking




Camping Food Ideas No Cooking


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Camping Food Ideas No Cooking

Eating is something that you have to do each day, even when you are camping. Since this is the case you should make sure you know that cooking may not be a great option for you to use. This is when you should know about some of the camping food ideas no cooking that you can make while you are camping. By knowing about these ideas it will be very easy for you to make food and know that you will not have to get a high fire for cooking, but also know that you may not even need to get a lot of food to go with you. Since that is the case, here is a short list of some of the foods we like to take camping with us as a great meal or snack that does not involve a ton of cooking. This allows you to get out and enjoy your camping trip because you are not stuck at the campsite you made for the day waiting for the fire to die down.

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1. Oatmeal With Dried Fruit

When you are looking at this food you may start to ask if you have to make the oatmeal and the short answer is yes, but typically that is with boiling water, which you would need for coffee or tea anyways. So you will want to make sure you know that you can use the instant oatmeal or you can even have some oatmeal that is already ready to eat. Then you will want to add in some dried fruit to the oatmeal as it will make it easier for you to have a meal that is not only filling, but can provide you with the energy you need for a day of hiking with the dried fruit you can add in.

2. Breakfast Bagels

Bagels are a food you may not really think about taking with you when you are camping, but if you are looking for a food that is actually very easy to move around and does not have to be cooked you will want to bring some breakfast bagels with you. When you have the bagels you can even get the plain ones or the ones that have some type of fruit inside of them or are not a plain bagel like blueberry. When you do this it makes it quite a bit easier for you to get the food you want to eat, but not get bored of the same bagel each day.

3. Peanut Butter And Banana Sandwiches

Okay, sometimes you will not want to cook at all and only want to make a quick sandwich. That is what is great about this sandwich here and that is the fact this is a food that you can make rather quickly as a sandwich and what is even better is the fact the peanut butter will give you some protein that you can enjoy, but the banana is going to give you some great taste to the food as well and provide you with some potassium boost that will help you avoid a lot of the cramps you can get when you are hiking the trails and your muscles are working overtime.

4. Trail Mix

Trail mix is an old standby that you probably made in school when you were a kid. I know that I made it and the best part is the teacher let us add in what we wanted! While I do not add in as much in the way of M&Ms anymore, I do add in some candy for the sugar boost. However, I add in some granola, pretzels, and other items as well which will help to provide a quick energy boost. Not to mention the trail mix you are going to have a available to eat will provide you with enough food that you can get a quick snack in most cases.

5. Fruits

This is a food that goes without saying that you will not have to cook. You will find this food is easily impacted by the temperature though so you will want to try to keep this in a cool pack if you can. Usually, this is easy to do if you have the fruit in a cooler bag with some ice packs. You can easily pack some of the breakable ice packs.  So you will find the fruits are a great option and definitely will not require you to do a lot of cooking because for some of the fruits it just amounts to opening the package up, but in others you may have to use a knife to cut the fruits up, but even then it does not involve a ton of cooking, because most fruits are ready to eat.

Do These Foods Really Work? 

I have to say that you may have some doubts if these camping food ideas no cooking actually work or not. Well, I have to say if you do not think they will work then try them at home before you go and see how far you get. I found that this is actually a lot better for me healthwise. The best part is since most of the food does not require cooking it means it does not need to be kept cool either so I do not need to have an ice pack or a portable camping fridge with me. Overall, I have to say I really like foods I have listed here and I know this food when camping is going to provide you with plenty of options.

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