Category: Experiences

  • Winter Camping – Is It Possible

    Camping in the middle of winter may not seem like something that you would want to do. However, what you need to realize is this is a great time to go camping and enjoy the solitude that you may want to have when you are in the campground. I know that in some cases you…

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  • Fall Days Mean Great Camping

    Great Camping Trips With Fall Weather Fall has come into the view for camping and for some this means the close of camping season. However, I have found that this also means it is a great time for camping because you will not have the heat of summer, like we talked about here, but you…

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  • Sun in the clouds

    Beat The Summer Heat While Camping

    Beat The Heat While Camping As you can see the date of this post is August 13th. Now this normally is the time period when it starts to cool off for the summer months in most areas. However, in my home area of Ohio, the temperatures are starting to go up into the upper 80’s…

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  • Electronics For Camping – A Shocking New Side To Camping

    Electronics For Camping Am I Wrong? I have to admit, I have really become attached to my electronics. So you can imagine my shock as my husband told me he was going to give me a quick start challenge to go cold turkey without any electronics for camping. Now this is not saying that I…

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  • Hiking

    Hiking Trails – A Great Reason To Go Camping

    Camping Can Lead To Hiking Camping is a great way to reconnect with nature, but the best part with camping is the chance to go out on the trails and hike. I know for myself, hiking allows me to get out into the woods and see parts of nature that you normally would get to…

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  • Sleeping Bag Selection

    Selecting a sleeping bag can be a challenge because of all the different models and choices that you have available. This is when you should know about some of the methods that you can to help with sleeping bag selection for your camping adventure. I know when I was looking at writing all the reviews…

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