Coleman Heritage Rectangle Sleeping Bag Review




Coleman Sleeping Bag


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Coleman Heritage Rectangle Sleeping Bag

Coleman Sleeping BagWhen you are trying to find a great sleeping bag for your camping gear you will find that it can be a challenge to find the best one on the market. I know that we have done quite a few sleeping bag reviews of all different brands and choices that you have on the market. Now, in this case, we are going to talk about the Coleman Heritage Rectangle Sleeping Bag. This is one of the bags that comes from the world famous Coleman company and I am sure it is a model that a lot of people are going to enjoy because it is a fairly basic model compared to what people are used to seeing. Now, we also know that this is a larger sleeping bag in length for some people as well which is why we are going to talk about this sleeping bag now because it is one that taller individuals will enjoy.

Features Of The Coleman Heritage Rectangle Sleeping Bag

  • This is a sleeping bag that is going to be rather large in size. The sleeping bag is going to come in at the size of 84 inches long and be 40 inches wide. So this will definitely make it easier for you to have a comfortable sleeping bag that you are able to enjoy and know that the size is going to fit most people, even if you are taller.
  • The sleeping bag that you have here will have the comfort cuff that is going to fit around your face. You may not think this sounds very comfortable, but instead, it will be the comfort that you want to have as it will help keep your face warm and wrapped up with the comfortable fabric that is around your face.
  • When you are sleeping in a group or your spouse comes with you, you may want to sleep in the same sleeping bag. This may not be possible in a single sleeping bag if you are unable to zip them together. That is what makes this sleeping bag great is the fact that you are able to zip two of these bags together to make a larger sleeping bag.
  • Now, you may think that washing a sleeping bag is going to be difficult to do, which it can be at times. This is actually a sleeping bag that has a cotton outer side and the liner is going to be cotton as well. So this will make it easier for you to wash the sleeping bag if it gets dirty.

What I Like With The Coleman Rectangle Sleeping Bag

The Large Size Of The Sleeping Bag

I know this is something that I really have never thought about, but my husband is a taller guy than the average 5’11” I think is what is termed average now. This height means that he has to find a sleeping bag that is meant for someone that is taller and that is what he really likes about the sleeping bag here and that is something that I really like with this sleeping bag is the fact that it is larger.

Comfort Cuff Is Really Comfortable

When I first looked at this sleeping bag I knew that I would have my doubts about the comfort cuff. However, I can tell you from looking at this sleeping bag here the comfort cuff is comfortable and it does allow you to have a lot of the comfort you want to have. So this is a great feature you will like here with the sleeping bag because it does allow you to get the maximum amount of comfort and keep your head and neck area nice and comfortable.

Thermalock System Locks In The Heat Of The Body

While I do not really like to go camping later on in the year for the fall or the winter, I do like to go camping in spring when the trees are just starting to come into bloom. That is what makes the thermalock system a great one.  It helps to lock in the heat around the zipper and will make it easier for you to have the warmth that you want to have when you are going to sleep at night in your sleeping bag.

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What I Dislike With The Coleman Sleeping Bag

The Zipper System To Plow Fabric Away Can Get Fabric Caught

Okay, now I am basing this off of some of the experience I have with the other sleeping bags that I have used that have this system that will plow the fabric out of the way to zip up. That is the fact that the zipper for some reason starts to get in the way of the fabric and even with the plow system tends to get it caught. So this is definitely something that you will want to consider because just like Murphy’s Law is if it can go wrong it will go wrong.

My Final Thoughts On Coleman Heritage Rectangle Sleeping Bag

When you are looking for a great sleeping bag you will find that it can be a challenge. However, what you need to realize is this is a challenge you can overcome. That is when you should know that the Coleman Heritage rectangle sleeping bag is one that is decent and it is what some will consider a big and tall sleeping bag. Overall, I have to say this sleeping bag is very easy for you to maintain and wash, but it also is a sleeping bag that will make a great addition to your camping gear.

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