Coleman Portable Instastart Coffee Maker Review





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Discover The Coleman Portable Instastart Coffee Maker 

A camping coffee maker will generally come with the typical percolator, drip method, or even using a JavaPress. However, we have found this can be a major issue at times because not everyone knows how to use these and what else is a major problem is the fact that not everyone is going to want to bring these with them or enjoy the fact this only makes a single cup of coffee at time or not have a carafe they can use. This is a common problem and definitely one that the Coleman company, a great company that has been producing quality camping gear for quite a while decided to address and does so with a vengeance. In fact, they did so well that we decided it was time to look at the Coleman Portable Instastart Coffee Maker. This is going to make it very easy for you to find the right product that will work for your needs, but also know exactly why you should be buying or avoiding this specific model of the coffee makers we have talked about.

Features Of The Coleman Portable Instastart Coffee Maker

  • This is a coffee maker that is not going to require any type of electric cord, battery, or even a percolator to make the coffee you are going to want to drink. That is because this is a portable propane tank powered coffee maker. This will make it easier for you to have a great coffee maker you can use even if your firewood is wet, but also with something that is readily available when you are looking for the propane tanks at the camp store.
  • The capacity of the carafe is going to come in at the 10-cup mark. This will make it easier for you to have a great pot of coffee each day to start off with when you are camping. However, what else you will like is the fact this is a decent amount of coffee that will generally be enough to put make at least one cup and possible 2 cups to start the day off with if you are like me with the amount of coffee I drink.
  • With this product, you will notice it is going to brew your coffee rather quick, for a propane powered coffee maker that is. The camping coffee maker will get the water up to the boiling point and have the entire pot brewed for you and ready to drink in about fifteen minutes. So this will make it easier for you to have a great product that is going to make the coffee that you want to drink, but even better because it is brewing it normally you do not have to be concerned about waiting for the percolator or even worry about waiting for the coffee maker to start the coffee.
  • When you look at this system you may notice that it is going to have the instastart system that has made Coleman fairly famous. That is a system that will start to work without even having to get a match out to light it. So this makes it easier for you to get this lit and ready to go on brewing without having to be concerned about the wind being a major issue.

What I Like With This Piece Of Camping Gear

Well, I like the fact that the carafe and the filter basket are easy to wash. This makes it easier for me to get them cleaned up and ready to go in the morning, but it also allows me to have the product that is going to be making the coffee without the harsh taste of the left behind coffee that has been used before. So this is definitely a plus that I enjoy compared to most of the other camping coffee makers we have reviewed in the past.

The ease of use is something else that I really like with the coffee maker. When I looked at this coffee maker I quickly realized that it is going to be very easy to use and will actually remind you in the way it functions of a coffee maker you would have in your home. So this allows me to make the coffee quickly and easily and not have to be concerned about trying to figure out when the coffee is done by a percolator, drip method in a collapsible filter or any of the other methods that I have seen in the past.

Another issue that I have had in the past with a lot of the coffee makers I have used, even the electric ones I use in my house is the fact the carafe has a tendency to get covered with the drips of the coffee that have splashed all over the place. With this product, the carafe is the drip resistant kind that is going to make it easier for you to get the drinks you want to have without having to be concerned about the coffee maker having the excess drips dropping all over my cups.

What I Did Not Care For 

The one thing that I did not mind is the fact the carafe is not as durable as what I would like to see. This means it is going to require a little bit more care when I am packing this up. So this is something that I really have to be concerned about because I really am careless at times and this makes it easier for me to break the carafe and then I have to order a replacement for the carafe.

My Final Thoughts On The Coleman Portable Instastart Coffee Maker

I have to admit out of the coffee makers we have reviewed so far this is one of the best ones that you can buy. The marker will allow you to have a propane tank to get it started, but also it will brew your coffee without you having to stand right by the coffee maker to ensure that it is going to be brewing the coffee properly. Overall, I would have to say I recommend the Coleman Portable Instastart Coffee Maker to guarantee you get the right coffee maker you can use while you are camping, but not really for hiking.

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