GSI Outdoors Glacier Stainless Tea Kettle Review





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GSI Outdoors Glacier Stainless Tea Kettle 

Tea is one of those items that I have to get each morning because I need to start my day off right, but when looking for a camping kettle I found it is a lot more challenging than what I imagined. This is when I started to look at all the different ones on the market to find the best one possible. The problem was a lot the kettles were going to be quite a bit different than what you would think it was. So I realized to help everyone out, that I would need to do reviews of the tea kettles that are meant for camping. This really was a challenge and once I started to explore, I knew all of them would need to have a review that I needed to have and in this installment, we are going to talk about the GSI Outdoors Glacier Stainless Tea Kettle to make it easier for you to see if this stainless steel kettle will work for your needs or not.

Features Of The GSI Outdoors Glacier Stainless Tea Kettle

  • Has a very small footprint compared to some of the other kettles that we have seen reviewed. This is going to allow it to have an even heating that is going to heat up quickly and it is going to work for what you need to have, but also know your heating is going to be done quickly and will help you keep the kettle working for a longer period of time because it will not need to have as much heat exposure to the bottom.
  • The size of this kettle is meant to fit onto the camping stoves you are going to use while you are camping. However, because of the size being a little bit on the smaller side it will be very easy for you to get the kettle that you are going to want to have for your camping backpack. So you do not have to be concerned about the kettle not really fitting into your backpack for you to take down the trail, but also if you need to have this stored inside of your tent.
  • Stainless steel is a great thing to have when you are camping because it does not rust but also is easier to clean because it does not hold the bacteria either. So this is definitely a nice feature with this kettle because it will work for what you need and also makes it easier for you to have a great kettle that will last you for years and not really end up getting ruined by any of the things you are doing while you are camping.
  • The handle on the top of the kettle can lay down to the side for storage which makes it easier to keep the kettle stored and have it put into your hiking bag without it taking up to much space. However, if you are concerned about the handle collapsing down when you are using it to pour out the hot water you just boiled, this is going to be a mute point because the handle will lock in place when it is upright to keep it from failing while you are pouring water.

What I Like About The Stainless Steel Kettle

Well, I have to admit I really do like this kettle because it is versatile compared to a lot of the kettles on the market. Now, what I mean by this is you can use the kettle over the camp stove, but also on the grate for a camping fire as well. So this is definitely something that will make it quite a bit nicer for you to get the water heated up for a cuppa in the morning or if you need to boil water to have some hot chocolate made for your kids. No matter what this is a very versatile item that makes this possible.

The kettle is something else that I like because it does have a nice shape to it. While I know the shape should not make that much of a difference it does because it makes it easier for you to store in your backpack, but also makes it easier for you to have a great looking kettle that is going to evenly distribute the heat. It may seem odd to say that, but when I looked at some of the kettles the shape was so off-putting that they did not really get the heat spread around so it would take forever to get the water starting to boil.

Well, I have to admit I really like the fact this is a stainless steel kettle. While I have always liked to see the stainless because it matches my kitchen refrigerator and the rest of my kitchen, I  like this kettle because it makes it easier for me have a piece of equipment that is going to look perfect in my campsite. Not to mention when I am using this it makes it significantly easier for me to have a great item that is easy to clean and maintain compared to some of the other camping equipment.

What I Did Not Care For

Okay, as much as I hate to say it I really hate the fact this kettle does not have a lid to cover the opening for the pour spout. While you may think this is something else that will just fail or break off, I find it is invaluable for keeping dirt and other items out of the pour spout. So this is definitely something that I would like to see added to the future models of these kettles.

Well, the other negative that I see with this kettle also goes along with the first. That is the kettle does not have a whistle! While this may not seem like a major issue, it is a problem for me because I like having a whistle available to let me know the water is coming to a boil and not going to just sit there and boil away, without me knowing it is done.

My Final Thoughts On The GSI Outdoors Glacier Stainless Tea Kettle

I have to say this is a kettle that is really nice, but at the same time it is a kettle that I did find some faults with. The lack of a cover over the pour spout is a major concern of mine because it is hard to keep it free from debris. Even when you are starting to boil water their is nothing present to stop a fly from going down into the kettle as the opening is large enough and then get boiled in with your water. If you can overlook this fault and the lack of a whistle the compact size is nice and definitely makes this a great camping kettle to use, but for me I would have to give it a pass based off of the lack of a covering on the spout.

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