Kelty Ignite DriDown Sleeping Bag Review





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Kelty Ignite DriDown Sleeping Bag

Finding a new sleeping bag is never any fun and at times it can be downright impossible because you have so many different sleeping bags on the market to select from. This is when you should know the sleeping bags are one of the most important pieces of camping gear for you to have. Since this is the case and since I am sure you are like me and not wanting to review multiple pieces of gear to find the piece that will work for you. Thankfully we have taken a lot of the work out of that for you and have gone and reviewed quite a few of the pieces. This includes the Kelty Ignite DriDown sleeping bag that you will see shown in the camping gear selection from a lot of the places that specialize in camping gear. With that being said, let us go ahead and do our review of the sleeping bag.

Features Of The Kelty Ignite DriDown Sleeping Bag

  • This is a long sleeping bag which is going to make it easier for you to get it for a larger individual. That is going to make it easier for you to have a great time because if you are taller you will finally have a decent sized sleeping bag that you can use and know it will make it easier for you to have a great time sleeping because it will fit you and not leave you feeling cramped.
  • When you are looking at the sleeping bag here you will notice that it is going to be rated down to 20 degrees for the survival and for the comfort rating it will be rated to freezing. So this will be a great feature to know about because it can easily make a difference in how warm you will be when you are sleeping at night, but also makes it quite a bit easier for you to have a good time because you will be comfortable at night.
  • The style that you are going to have here with the sleeping bag is going to be more along the lines of a mummy style. This will make it quite a bit easier for you to have a good time sleeping, but also makes it easier for you to stay warmer as well. Without this, you could have some problems in getting the chance to go camping because you are not going to be warm at night because your head is going to get cold or you will have to wear a skull cap to stay warm.
  • The DriDown name for the sleeping bag does not come from the brand or specific type of sleeping bag it is because it is going to be put in with the fill. So this is definitely going to make it easier for you to know because the DriDown fill is going to keep you warm and it is going to be a little bit lighter than what you would want to find in the other sleeping bag.

What I Like About This Mummy Bag

I like the fact this is a mummy style bag that is meant for a larger or taller person. This is going to make it easier for everyone, even if you are tall, to enjoy camping. Now, this does not mean if you are Shaq you will be able to use this bag, but for the average tall person, it will be easier for them to use this sleeping bag and be able to enjoy the camping trip again.

The fact that this is a sleeping bag that will keep you warm in most of the weather conditions you are going to deal with is something else that is nice. You may think this is not that big of an issue, but you need to realize this actually is going to make a huge difference in how well you tolerate camping. So you will enjoy the fact this sleeping bag will keep you warmer than what you would find with some of the other sleeping bags on the market.

Something else that is nice is the weight of this sleeping bag. While it is not as light as some of the bags you can find rated as a trail bag for winter conditions it is a sleeping bag that is fairly light for what you are going to get. The bag is going to come in at just around the three-pound mark. So while it is not the lightest bag on the market it is a bag that will provide you with quite a bit of comfort and keep you comfortable at the same exact time.

What I Did Not Care For Here

Well, I have to say the main thing that I did not care for was the fact that it does not really go into detail on what the DriDown insulation is. While I know this does not come in contact with your skin on a regular basis, I have very sensitive skin and I have to admit even the mildest change in a material can cause my skin to get all itchy. If this tells you anything, I have used the same detergent brand for about ten years now because it is one of the only ones that does not break me out.

My Final Thoughts On The Kelty Ignite DriDown Sleeping Bag

This is a decent sleeping bag that is going to provide you quite a bit of warmth and make it easier for you to have a great bag that will provide you with quite a bit of comfort as well. With that being the case, this is also a sleeping bag that will make it easier for you to enjoy a nights rest on the winter nights when you are camping. So this is definitely going to be a plus for a sleeping bag. The downside is if you are going to get colder than 20 degrees then you may want to find some other gear that will work for your needs or find a blanket for the bag. Overall, I have to say the Kelty Ignite DriDown Sleeping Bag is a good buy.

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