Ledge Sports River XL Oversize Mummy Sleeping Bag Review





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Ledge Sports River XL Oversize Mummy Sleeping Bag

Are you in the market for a mummy sleeping bag? Are you confused, just like I was about which one of the sleeping bags is going to work best for your needs? Well, if you are then you have come to the right place because I will be talking about one of those sleeping bags that you may have never thought about considering before if you want to have a great bag that will keep you warm at night when it starts to get cold. That bag is none other than the Ledge Sports River XL Oversize Mummy Sleeping Bag. In this, we are going to review the sleeping bag by showing you the features, what I liked about the bag, and what I did not like. Then you will get my expert camping gear opinion on if this is a buy bag or a pass bag.

Features Of The Ledge Sports River XL Oversize Mummy Sleeping Bag

  • This is a sleeping bag that is actually going to be quite large. The larger size is going to make it easier for you to have a great looking piece that is going to keep you comfortable at night. However, this is also going to be a larger bag that will require more room in your tent as it is going to come in at around the 86-inch mark on the amount of space the sleeping bag will have in the length of the bag.
  • When you have this bag you will find that it is going to compress down quite a bit when you are looking at the sleeping bag and how you can get it ready to travel. Even when it is not inside of the compression bag you will find the length is going to come in at 17-inches by 11-inches, which will make it easier for you to have a great time hiking with the bag as it can compress even smaller.
  • The entire weight of the sleeping bag will be on the heavier side as it is going to be coming in at the 5.5-pound mark. This may not seem like it is that much weight but if you are hiking you will find that it is going to be very heavy because it will start to weigh you down over time and if you have to hike with this on your arm with the backpack for several days you will start to feel the sleeping bag as being a heavy option for your backpack.
  • Keeping your body heat in is very important when you are camping in the winter months and that is what you are going to have a chance to do with this sleeping bag as it is going to come with the thermal collars and even the thermal shield. Both of those are meant to help you keep the heat in with the cold air not being able to get down into the sleeping bag.
  • A feature you will like with this sleeping bag is the drawstring for the hood. This is going to make it easier for you to get the product that you want and know that it will help you keep your head warm at night because you can adjust the drawstring down around your head some.

What I Liked About This Mummy Sleeping Bag

I have to say that I like the fact this is a sleeping bag that has the baffles in it that will help to keep the cold air out. I know that it is not going to be that big of an issue for a lot of people, but when you look at this bag and the baffles it has it is very easy for you to see why this is going to help you out because you will be warm and not have to be concerned about the cold air getting you even colder.

The hood is something else that I really like with the sleeping bag. This hood is going to be a contour style of the hood that will make it easier to get it adjusted to your head and this will make it easier for you to have the comfort you want to have, but also going to be able to keep the hood adjusted down as you will be able to get it to fit your head almost perfectly. So you will find this is going to help you stay warm as well.

Finally, I have to say that I really like the fact this is a sleeping bag that is going to be able to compress down quite a bit. This will save you quite a bit of room in your backpack or even the tent when you roll the sleeping bag up for the day or if you are using this on a trail, which it may not work because it is a little on the heavier side of the bags that we have looked at that are meant for this type of camping trip.

What I Did Not Care For Here

I have to admit that the main thing that I did not care for is the stuff sack is going to be difficult to get the sleeping bag inside of at times. That is because you are taking the larger sleeping bag that you will have here and it is very difficult for you to get it shoved into the compression sack at times.

Our Final Thoughts On The Ledge Sports River XL Oversize Mummy Sleeping Bag

I have to say this is a great sleeping bag that is going to work for you to keep you warm at night in the winter months. However, this is also a sleeping bag that will be perfect for getting all of your needs done. With that being the case, I would have to give the Ledge Sports River XL Oversize Mummy Sleeping Bag a good thumbs up. This is definitely going to be a great bag that will keep you warm and keep the drafts out.

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