Ledge Sports Ridge Classic Rectangular Sleeping Bag Review





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Ledge Sports Ridge Classic Rectangular Sleeping Bag

Are you trying to find a new rectangular sleeping bag, but you are not sure which one of the sleeping bags you should be picking out? Well, if that is the case, then you will want to make sure you take some time to check out all the different sleeping bags on the market. This means doing quite a bit of research on all the bags that are on the market, but I will say that I have tried to take a lot of the work out of this for you by doing various reviews. In this case, we are going to talk about the Ledge Sports Ridge Classic Rectangular Sleeping Bag. So this will make it quite a bit easier for you to pick out the right sleeping bag and know which one is going to work for your needs and which one will not work for you.

Features Of The Ledge Sports Ridge Classic Rectangular Sleeping Bag

  • This is a rectangle type sleeping bag. This means it will have more of the traditional look that you may have been used to seeing when you were growing up or even in some of the older movies you have been watching in the past. So this is definitely a great way for you to recall some of the great memories you may have had when you were camping before.
  • The sleeping bag that is going available here is going to be fairly sizeable and would work for most adults or smaller adults. The bag is going to measure 75-inches and will also be about 30 inches across, but the expanded width of the bag for you to lay down in is going to be 30 inches as well. So you will find this could be a little bit on the smaller side if you are larger, but if you are a smaller adult you will find it is very easy for you to get into the sleeping bag.
  • When you are looking at a lot of the rectangular sleeping bags you will want to look at the zipper. This is a sleeping bag that the zipper is going to be full length. This will make it easier for you to get in and out of, but also makes it easier for you to have a great time getting in and out of the sleeping bag. What else is nice about this sleeping bag is the fact it will be easier for you to have the sleeping bag fanned open if you are camping in the summer and you start to get too hot.
  • The sleeping bag is a single wall type of construction which makes it easier for you to have a great product that will keep you warm for a longer period of time. However, at the same time, you will notice this makes it light. The downside is you will notice this sleeping bag is meant mainly for summer months and it will not really work well for fall, spring, or winter camping.

What I Like About This Piece Of Camping Gear

I really like the fact this is a sleeping bag that is going to work for the summer months and it is light enough that you can send your kids to camp while using this sleeping bag. This is going to allow them to be comfortable enough, but also make it easier for them to carry the sleeping bag to the point they need to be located. So this will make it quite a bit easier for the kids to go camping and know they will not be weighed down by the bag.

Something else that I like about this bag is the full zipper. While I know this may not make a major difference for some people, I like the fact this is a sleeping bag that will have a full zipper that will make it easier for the kids to get in and out of the sleeping bag. However, at the same time, I like the fact this makes it easier for you to get the sleeping bag opened up to allow for air flow in the summer. Not to mention if I read correctly you should be able to zip this together with another sleeping bag to create a double sleeping bag.

As another note, I have to say that I really like the fact this sleeping bag is going to be very easy for you to wash. You may think that washing is going to be a pain like it is for most of the sleeping bags. Well, I have to say you would be partially correct with this sleeping bag as it is rather easy to clean up and easy to wash. The best part is if you are able to spread the bag out with air flow, like on a clothesline you do not need your dryer at all.

What I Did Not Care For With This Rectangular Sleeping Bag

Well, I have to say the one thing that I did not care for with this sleeping bag was the fact that it is a lighter sleeping bag. As much as I wish we could only go camping in the middle of summer when the heat is present to justify this thin of a sleeping bag, it is not possible. So I really wish this bag was meant for more seasons or was a little bit bigger so I could have a couple of layers of blankets in the sleeping bag to help keep my kids warm at night.

My Final Thoughts On The Ledge Sports Ridge Classic Rectangular Sleeping Bag

I have to say this is a sleeping bag that is fairly comfortable and lightweight. However, at the same time, you will find the sleeping bag is meant for summer use only. So this could easily get to be a little cold for you at night. With that being the case, you will notice the sleeping bag works perfectly for the kids going to camp. So if you are looking for a lightweight rectangular sleeping bag to add to your camping gear, then you will definitely want to consider the Ledge Sports Ridge Classic Rectangular sleeping bag.

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