Pyle PGSPW5 GPS Navigation Sporting Unit with Built-In MP3 Player





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The Pyle PGSPW5 Multi-Use GPS System is a versatile navigation sporting unit that can do it all. The touchscreen unit acts as a MP3 Player, Pedometer, Speedometer, Altimeter, Barometer, Compass and Weather Forecaster -all in one. The GPS features support Google Maps and Google Earth which makes it perfect for hiking or camping. The unit’s functions measure distance, speed, elapsed time, altitude, calories burned, average speed, air pressure and more. You’ll definitely find a use and even more about mother nature and the great outdoors with this multi-purpose, multi-use GPS Navigation Sports unit. Additional features include 3D E-Compass, 4 GB Flash Memory, MP3 and MP4 audio playback support, built-in rechargeable battery and more. Use it while exercising or exploring and unlock more possibilities with the PGSPW5.

Introducing The Pyle PGSPW5 GPS Navigation Sporting Unit With Built-In MP3 Player

When you are looking to take a trip out into the wilderness you do not want to get lost. I know that for a fact, because I got lost in the middle of a thick pine forest just by wondering about 10 feet off of the trail. With that being said, you may be wanting to have a GPS system with you when you go hiking and I know that with all the brands it can be very confusing to find the best one of the market. Since that is the case, I have decided to make the Pyle PGSPW5 GPS navigation to be the next review on the GPS units that we are covering. The Pyle is a unit that has a fairly low cost, but it has been around for quiet a few years and the best part is it comes with a MP3 player, which makes this unit a great option.

Features Of The Pyle GPS Sporting Unit

Knowing about any of the features of a product is going to help you make up your mind on if this is going to be a good product or not. With that being said, I will showcase some of the features that you will enjoy with this unit here.

  • 2 inch digital screen that is a touch screen, which is going to make it easier for you to use. Without this, you could be left squinting at the screen and hoping you can find all the features you need.
  • Support of the MP3 and MP4 files for music playing is going to be something else that people are going to enjoy. While most of the time a GPS system is used only for a map, you will enjoy the fact this is going to allow you to get the songs playing that you want to play on your trip.
  • Has multiple trip features that you can use while you are on the trail. With all of these features it is going to be easy for you to get on the trail have weather predictions and even be able to mark some of the trail points that you seen something interesting at.

 Pros Of The Pyle PGSPW5

The Pyle, has been around for a while so it has allowed people to get a good idea on the way the product is going to be used. This is when I decided to compile a short list of pros that can help you make up your mind on if this product is meant for you or not.

  • The first thing that you will like and what has been commented on quite a bit for the reviews is the fact that the Pyle is extremely accurate in telling people where they are. I know that when you are not aware of where you are, it is going to be easy for you to get the right trip and know you are not lost. The best part is this GPS system has been found to be accurate within 10 meters when you are on the normal mode.
  • Altitude is something you may want to know about when you are hiking on the trails, that would give you a good excuse for why you are winded. So this is going to make it easier for you to know if your hiking experience is one that is a good one or one that you want to forget because of how far you walked.
  • While the base unit only measures in meters, which will be great for people hiking in Europe, you need to realize the website for Pyle does have an update that will allow you to measure this in feet.
  • Compact size is something else that you will enjoy with this unit. When you are hiking, you know that space is at a premium, but you need to realize with this unit, it serves great for the GPS for the hiking and will not take up a lot of space in your backpack or even in your pockets.
  • Ability to take quite a bit of abuse is something else you will enjoy with this product. When you are working, you will want to make sure the GPS system can take quite a bit of abuse and this is going to be very important for you to have because it will make it easier for you to walk on the trails and not be concerned about the GPS unit getting ruined by the abuse it can take on the trails.

Cons Of The Pyle GPS

Unfortunately the Pyle is not all glowing great like you would want it to be. In fact, their has been some negative information about the Pyle. Since we did find some negatives, we decided we would be neutral and make it easier for you to know if this is going to work for your needs or not.

  • The GPS does not have as good of a detail that you would expect the unit to have when you are traveling on the road. However, since this is meant more for sports and hiking, it is going to be easier for you to get the trails and know where you are. Without this, you could end up getting a GPS system that is meant specific for roadways and try to adapt it to hiking.
  • Geocaching with this unit is nearly impossible according to some of the reports that you will read on here. So you will want to make sure you look at this if you plan on trying to transfer the information you have on the GPS unit to a different machine later on.

Price Options

As I mentioned, this is a great unit that has a price that is reasonable and easily within the price range of most people. However, you will quickly find the best price is often going to be at Amazon. In fact, I checked the pricing at several different retail websites and Amazon was over half of the price. The location that I did see the item was at, if you want to check out their pricing.

Our Final Decision

Finally it appears that we have found a great GPS that is going to be meant for hiking. Now, I am sure you are probably calling into question if this is a great GPS or not, but it does assert claims that it is. However, if you are interested in Geocaching to help you track your hikes, you may need to look at something else. The good news is I found a variety of GPS systems will score a little bit better than this one, but with this GPS system, you cannot really go wrong and Pyle does have a very supportive website that makes it easier for you to find the help that you need in updating your GPS system.

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