Snow Peak Titanium Coffee Press Review





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Discover The Snow Peak Titanium Coffee Press

Well, we have found all the different types of camping gear that we can when it comes to making coffee and if my numbers are correct we have covered over sixty different pieces you can take camping with you and know it is going to make your cup of coffee in the morning. With that being the case, we are going to cover one more piece here that can help you make coffee and that is the Snow Peak Titanium Coffee Press, that is more like a French Press or a Java Press that you can use without really having the stand that will help to hold it upright. Now, the important thing that we are going to do is make sure we completely cover this product so you know if this is one that you can trust or not.

Features Of The Snow Peak Titanium Coffee Press

  • This is a coffee press that for me is going to come in a little bit on the smaller side as it is only 4 inches wide and 4 inches tall. These measurements are going to make it a little bit harder for me to make a full cup of coffee in a single go because this is actually smaller than the size of the coffee cup I drink out of. However, the smaller size does make it perfect for getting to go camping or hiking with and not have to worry about trying to stow away something that is large.
  • When you look at this you may think it will not be that durable because it literally does look like a steel tube that you would end up pushing a plunger down into. However, this is a mistake as this is actually an item that is very durable and is not going to have a lot of damage happen to it unless you do it on a very intentional manner and that is something you usually would not do.
  • Since this is from Snow Peak, you need to realize the appearance of the product is very important. So you will notice they have taken the time to make the item look perfect and keep it looking great for years to come. So this is definitely something you need to consider because it will definitely allow you to have an impressive piece for your coffee making adventures, but it will also make it quite a bit easier for you to have an item that everyone is going to like to look at when they come to your campsite.
  • Finally, this is a Coffee Press that is going to come with everything you need, minus the coffee and hot water to make coffee. This is going to make it easier for you to make the drinks you want to have, but also know the drinks are going to be easy for you to make. So you are going to have a chance to get the coffee almost right away and know you will finally be able to get the coffee made properly because you have everything you need to start it off right almost right away.

What I Liked About This Java Press

Well, I have to admit that I really like the look of this press. While it is going to be a little bit more expensive it will definitely keep the lookup for the expensive look you want to have. So you do not have to be concerned about the press looking cheap or even have to worry about people thinking that you are not concerned about how your gear looks because this press actually does look nice and definitely will be something you are going to want to consider because it will help you have a great looking product to take camping with you.

I enjoy the fact that this is smaller, in some cases, mainly when I am hiking. Now, this does not mean that it would be the one that I would want to take on the campsite for a large weekend camping with the family. So this is going to be small enough that it will work for a small trip, but as someone mentioned the size does mean you are going to get only a couple of cups of coffee on the smaller side out of the press before you have to make another cup. For hiking, it works perfectly because if I have too much coffee, well you know what happens every five minutes!

The handle or the knob on top is something else that I really like with this press. While it is not the usual metal that I am used to using when I am at home, it is going to have some great feel to it as it is going to be made from the plastic type that is going to make it easier to hold onto, but it is also going to make it easier for me to hold onto when it is hot. So this definitely helps out in getting the coffee made.

What I Did Not Care For With The Java Press

Well, I have to admit the one thing that I did not care for is the filter on the press does allow some of the grounds through. The amount of grounds that it lets through is not a ton but it is enough that is you are not used to having a few grounds in your drink it will annoy you. So you will need to be mindful of this when you are using this press or you could end up disappointed in the product because you think it will not do the job completely.

My Final Thoughts On The Snow Peak Titanium Coffee Press

Well, I have to say this is a  great piece of camping gear if you are going to use it for hiking and are not planning on using this as your main means of making coffee for the entire family. If you are planning on using it for this you will be disappointed. However, with this being said it will work for hiking. So I am kind of on the fence on the Snow Peak Titanium Coffee Press. It is a good piece of gear, but at the same time is limited in its function.

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